Old Mutual contact details

Old Mutual

Call Centre
  • Call : 084-196 1023
  • www.oldmutual.co.za
  • Mutual park, Jan Smuts Drive Pinelands, Cape Town


About Old Mutual

Looking for Old Mutual contact details? Struggling to get hold of Old Mutual customer care?

“contact-us” business directory provides you quick and easy access to Old Mutual contact details and Old Mutual customer care.

For your convenience, “contact-us” business directory uses a virtual phone number to transfer your call directly to the Old Mutual call center. (call will be charged at R2.85 per minute)

Please note that “contact-us” business directory does not represent or relate to Old Mutual.

“contact-us” business directory will not be responsible for the actual content and/or services and/or the quality of services provided by Old Mutual.

For more information about our service please read our disclaimer and terms of service at the bottom of the page.

Overview and history:

Old mutual South Africa has been providing financial advice and investment to people and businesses of South Africa for over 168 years. This company has been growing by making the right decisions and with strategic acquisitions.  They were listed on the London stock exchange in 1999. This enabled Old Mutual South Africa to have a commanding global presence.

Old Mutual South Africa strives to improve the economy of South Africa by consciously making an effort to invest in all sectors of the economy. We work hard to provide affordable and personalized products and solutions to our customers.


Old Mutual South Africa provides products in two main categories. For,

  1. Personal financial solutions
  2. Corporate financial solutions

Personal financial solutions:

To start with Old Mutual South Africa provides individuals consultations with expert financial advisors to identify and understand the financial goals of each individual.

From life and medical insurance to investment and saving options, Old Mutual South Africa provides the best of the best products for all of its clients. Our professional financial advisors personally examine needs of our clients and assist them in making solid financial choice for a safe and enjoyable retirement life.

They also offer savings plans for future education purposes and also assist individuals with their funeral costs and expenses.

For detailed information contact Old Mutual South Africa today.

Corporate Solutions:

They understand the importance of strong and flourishing corporate sector to have a growing economy. For our corporate clients we provide strategic investment solutions and group risk benefits plan among other services.

They have been providing small to large corporations and business with a tailored financial approach to improve their expenses and cash flows. Every business is different and we have been providing a customised approach for all our corporate customers for over 168 years.

They also offer employers various adjustable retirement, death and disability funds options. Employers can pick and choose the benefits package they want to provide their employees in accordance to their own financial standing and commitment.

They have specialized and expert professional working in our corporate sector to help the corporations and businesses of South Africa to improve and help grow our economy.

For more details please contact Old Mutual South Africa. Or fill out a form and our specialist will personally contact you via your preferred method.

Customer Services:

Old Mutual South Africa provides their services in two main types of categories i.e. personal and business. They have trained and certified financial advisors present in both categories to help people and businesses assess their financial standing and move towards their goals. They also offer bursaries and internships to students and young graduates.  They also help to provides loans to people and businesses.

For corporations they have all the expertise to provide a detailed and customized approach to allow the corporation to improve their liquidity in short term and financial position in short term.

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* Please note that the "contact-us" business directory is not representing or related to Old Mutual or any of the companies or institutions listed.

* Inappropriate comments or comments contain personal information (i.e phone number, ref number or address etc.) will not be approved.

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All site users, please read this section before starting to use our site and services, please note that while using this site you agree to its terms and conditions, If you do not agree to the terms and conditions presented in this section, please leave the site and/or don’t make any use of its services.

This site is a business directory/index site incorporating contact details for South African businesses, companies, institutions and organizations.

This site allows all mobile and PC users a fast and more convenient way to reach the relevant departments they seek to call or contact.

It is hereby clarified that this site is not related in any way to any of its listed business, companies, institutions and organizations.

The site just incorporates their contact details information and routing the users via virtual premium numbers to the relevant department they seek to call or contact.

It is hereby clarified that the site and/or its editors and/or its owners will not be responsible for the actual content and/or services and/or the quality of services and/or the waiting time for a call center agent provided by these companies, business, institutions and organizations.

Please note that the use of the site is free, but calling any of the virtual premium numbers presented in the site or via the “click to call” button will be charged at R2.85 per minute (final rate per minute will be determined according to the user network/call source) free minutes bundles do not apply, for the avoidance of doubt, the various companies and service providers listed in this site can be reached directly in a lower call rate and/or free of charge through an internet search or via the various telephone directories. We hope you will find our site useful.

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