GEMS contact details


Call Centre
  • CALL : 084-196 4479
  • Website :
  • Call Centre operating hours : Mon to Fri 08h00-17h00, Sat 08h00-12h00


About GEMS

Looking for GEMS contact details? Struggling to get hold of GEMS call centre?

“contact-us” business directory provides you quick and easy access to GEMS contact details and call centre.

For your convenience, “contact-us” business directory uses a virtual phone number to transfer your call directly to the GEMS call center. (call will be charged at R2.85 per minute)

Please note that “contact-us” business directory does not represent or relate to GEMS.

“contact-us” business directory will not be responsible for the actual content and/or services and/or the quality of services provided by GEMS.

For more information about our service please read our disclaimer and terms of service at the bottom of the page.

GEMS Overview

GEMS is the one who provide the health care needs of African people especially the Government employees. They offer five excellent healthcare benefit options: Sapphire, Beryl, Ruby, Emerald and Onyx. Their goal is to help public service employees and their families to get the best possible healthcare at the most affordable rate. They were registered January 2005.

The beginning of GEMS was a historic moment when in 2002, Cabinet approved a framework policy on a restricted (closed) medical scheme for further development by an interdepartmental working group (departments of Public Service and Administration, National Treasury, Health, Education, Correctional Services and SAPS). The approved framework policy centered on the principles of equity, efficiency and differentiation:

The implementation of GEMS fulfils government’s policy objectives regarding the restructuring of available medical cover. GEMS achieves the promotion of equitable access to comprehensive and affordable health care benefits by all public service employees and provides lower income earners with greater access to this benefit. The implementation of GEMS also sets an example to other employers by demonstrating that innovative medical benefits can be made available to all employees.

Implementing GEMS also provides government with greater control over the money it currently contributes to the private healthcare sector and also over the selection and quality of healthcare benefits to which its employees contribute.

Government is empowered through GEMS to provide more employees with an opportunity to improve their health and wellbeing – in turn impacting positively on improved productivity levels in the public service.

GEMS also achieves unique synergies with the work currently being performed by the Department of Health. Nearly two million beneficiaries have already been enrolled on GEMS, through the promotion of greater access to the employer subsidy.

The implementation of GEMS also supports the work performed by the Department of Health on National Health Insurance and the establishment of the Risk Equalisation Fund. GEMS is committed to delivering access to equitable, comprehensive and sustainable benefits to all public service employees.


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* Please note that the "contact-us" business directory is not representing or related to GEMS or any of the companies or institutions listed.

* Inappropriate comments or comments contain personal information (i.e phone number, ref number or address etc.) will not be approved.

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This site is a business directory/index site incorporating contact details for South African businesses, companies, institutions and organizations.

This site allows all mobile and PC users a fast and more convenient way to reach the relevant departments they seek to call or contact.

It is hereby clarified that this site is not related in any way to any of its listed business, companies, institutions and organizations.

The site just incorporates their contact details information and routing the users via virtual premium numbers to the relevant department they seek to call or contact.

It is hereby clarified that the site and/or its editors and/or its owners will not be responsible for the actual content and/or services and/or the quality of services and/or the waiting time for a call center agent provided by these companies, business, institutions and organizations.

Please note that the use of the site is free, but calling any of the virtual premium numbers presented in the site or via the “click to call” button will be charged at R2.85 per minute (final rate per minute will be determined according to the user network/call source) free minutes bundles do not apply, for the avoidance of doubt, the various companies and service providers listed in this site can be reached directly in a lower call rate and/or free of charge through an internet search or via the various telephone directories. We hope you will find our site useful.

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